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Hair Loss Solutions

For men and women experiencing hair loss, self-consciousness can often times be an issue. We now have more options for men and women experiencing hair loss including topical products, NeoGraft, and PRP Therapy.

Hair Loss Solutions


NeoGraft is an advanced hair transplant technology that uses your own individual hair follicles to fill in areas where the hair no longer grows. It is a minimally invasive procedure and the result is natural hair growth with quick recovery time and no linear scar. Restore confidence with natural hair growth from your own transplanted hair follicles. With NeoGraft, we’ll set you on a path for natural growth.

Actual NeoGraft patient.

prp therapy

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a non-surgical treatment for hair loss that stimulates hair growth and thickens existing hair. By injecting your own platelet-rich plasma into the areas of thinning hair, PRP Therapy stimulates hair growth where you are balding. These quick and affordable injections take just a few minutes and do not require any downtime.

ducray products

Revitalize and restore your hair with the trusted Ducray hair-care brand. Ducray products are created by a team of dermatologists determined to provide people with a natural approach to treat hair loss and devitalized hair.

Call us today or click the “Request an Appointment” button below to set up your consultation with one of our certified physicians and find the best treatment for you.